Practical Exam will not in Public: Coming back to the Continuous Assessment. SSC and HSC examination is considering reforming the education of the people again.
As part of schools and colleges, "a series of assessment (CA) system will be introduced. Student performance will be assessed by the number of classroom teachers.
JSC will be piloting this approach. The successful implementation of the SSC and HSC examinations will be given practical test.
These will be, as usual, at the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank loan. Foreign consultants will bring in millions of dollars, local education and administration cadre officers will travel abroad. Cox will have all the training in the country or around the tea gardens of Sylhet. These projects will be posted on deputation to the Government College Teachers lobbying. Expensive car destroy Satan's world. Told reporters at a press conference in the midst of what it would have achieved success. Whether or not the work of some of the instigators behind the system must be organized in consequence.