Lock and Unlock PC by Using Face. Users want to Lock and Unlock Personal Computer or Laptop by Using Face by Biometric Security. Now days, it is the most popular way to unlock a computer or laptop by biometric security. Biometric security means a security system that locks and unlocks a device using face, voice, fingers of hand. It is the safest security system than the others. Now, I will discuss about a biometric security system of using face to lock or unlock a computer or laptop.
Lock and Unlock Computer by Using Face
Now, you can easily lock or unlock your computer or laptop by using your own face. It is so interesting and amazing way to lock or unlock a device. Besides, it is more secure than the other system. We can define this system as face lock for computer or face lock for laptop.What things need for face lock or face unlock system?
- A computer or laptop
- Your computer or laptop must have a webcam
- A software
Now pass the following steps:
- First, download this face lock software by clicking this link download face lock
- After downloading, install it
- After installing, it will run automatically.
- It will be prepare to take the photo of your face. Your webcam will activate.
- Record your own photo in different potions
- In next step, give passwords as same as windows administration user account’s passwords to create a profile with your own photo
- This software will create an User Account with your password and face
- When you will open your computer or laptop, you can see two User Account named Software and Windows.
- First time, click to the User Account of the software. Next time, it will open automatically.
- Your webcam will start automatically and open your windows to see your face.
Note: Keep all time same flash and portion in your face when your webcam took.